Common questions and support documentation


Create bubbles and connections. Format text, set colors, attach files.

29 articles


Arrange bubbles in different layout, reset layout, connect bubbles, and more.

9 articles


Collaborate with other by editing at the same time. Embed mind map in your blog.

8 articles

Export and Print

Save mind map as image, pdf, or print it.

7 articles

Managing Work

Revision history. Making a copy of a mind map. Creating a template.

14 articles

Account Options

Manage profile and subscription information.

5 articles


Creating a Team account. Managing people on your team. Pricing information, and more.

7 articles


Billing, invoices, pricing

5 articles

Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions

11 articles

Company Information

About Press kit. Security information. Terms of Service. Privacy Policy.

6 articles


Trouble shooting tips. Provide technical information to support.

5 articles