Teams Overview

Upgrade today to start collaborating with your team!

Bring your team together!

  • Every team member has full-featured access to
  • Manage all team accounts from one place
  • Easily manage user licenses for your team with a single point of payment
  • Alleviate privacy concerns by creating anonymous accounts

Customize your sign-in experience 

Choose a custom domain address that your team will use to sign in (e.g.

Add a company name, instructions, or a welcome message for your team.

In the following example, we created a page with a custom domain and a welcome message for a fictitious company called Initech Inc.

Oversee your team from one place

Our team management tools allow you to:

  • Add or remove team members and update their profile information.
  • Simplify the organization of your team by creating groups.
  • Delegate administration by assigning managers to specific groups.
  • Easily invite users to create their accounts via a link.
  • Retain team member accounts and mind maps, when they leave your company.

Full-featured access for all

All members of your team will have access to Premium features including:
  • Unlimited mind maps
  • Revision history
  • Real-time collaboration
  • Add files and images

Manage user licenses

Team subscription allows you to easily manage user licenses for your team with a single point of payment.
These licenses are transferable, so if one of your users no longer needs to use, you can transfer that license to another person.
At any point, you can add or remove the number of licenses you need for your team. All of the payments will be prorated.

Extra privacy control

To create an account for your team, you are not required to provide personal information. This serves to alleviate privacy concerns and comply with certain privacy policies (e.g. COPPA).

How much does it cost?

The pricing is based on the number of licenses you purchase.
Discounts are given as the number of licenses increases.
An educational institution or a non-profit is qualified for a 50% discount.
You can get a quote for your team on our team pricing page.
Please contact us if you have any questions!

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