About Bubbl.us
Who is behind Bubbl.us?
We are a solid, independent software company. We started in 2006 and have been growing organically ever since. Over the years, we have reached millions of people. Writers, musicians, teachers, professionals, entrepreneurs have used Bubbl.us to improve their organization, study habits, and workflow. We have been used and recommended in thousands of publications.
We are based in Houston Texas. We also have team members from Milwaukee and Madison Wisconsin and Chicago Illinois.
We have extensive help docs and we improve the software with frequent new releases.
We respect your privacy and take significant efforts to protect all of your data. We do not sell or trade your data to any third-party.
Why "Bubbl.us"?
Bubbl.us name derived from the word 'bubbles'. More specifically from 'thought bubbles'. Since the 'bubbles' or 'thought bubbles' domain name was taken we chose a version that will be close enough and bubbl.us was available!
We'd love to hear about your experience with our service! If you have feedback or need help, you can reach us in many different ways.
Get in touch!
Follow us, share your feedback, submit a review, ask a question, or just say hello!
Twitter: @bubbl_us
Facebook: our facebook page