What's New

We are committed to delivering features that help your workflow. Feel free to share your feedback or submit feature requests via email at support@bubbl.us. We look forward to hearing from you!

July 2024


You can now update text fonts. Set fonts for one bubble or entire maps. More fonts to come in the future.

February 2024


Create different shapes to get your idea across.

January 2024

Spanish translation

The Bubbl.us app is now available in Spanish.

November 2023

Display application in different languages

You can choose the language in which you want the application to be displayed. Currently, English and Russian are available options, with additional languages to be added in the future.

August 2023

Generate ideas with Artificial intelligence (AI)

For details, see our help doc here.

December 2022

Restore deleted mind maps! 

November 2022

Math symbols!  Add formulas or equations to your bubbles! 

For details, see the help doc here.

September 2022

Templates!  Create mind maps from templates! Convert any one of your maps to a template!

For details, see our help docs here.

May 2022

Icons! Add icons to your bubbles. See demo here

April 2022

Curved or sharp corners for connecting lines.

March 2022

Select multiple maps for easier management. You can now share, delete, and move several mind maps all at once. 

December 2021

Subscripts or superscripts options are now available. 

October 2021

Revoke links that were previously shared with others. For details see this page.

September 2021

Set font size and color for line labels.

August 2021

You can now set the color of the label for connecting lines. 

April 2021

The image quality of the attached image was improved. Now when you attach an image, it looks more sharp and clear.

Performance improvements. 

March 2021

Bug fixes and performance improvements to the real-time collaboration feature.

February 2021

Copy and paste images from your clipboard into the mind map.

January 2021

Set image as background (see how it's done here)

December 2020

Right-click to view a context menu and access common actions

November 2020

Import data from an Excel, CSV, or text file (see how it's done here)

October 2020

Improvements to mobile site and email verification

Our mobile site got updates to make it easier to view/edit your maps on phones and tablets.

To make sure we have the right email on file, we've added email verification.

September 2020

Improvements to Team branding and important bug fixes

You can now add your company logo on your Team sign-in page. 

Bug fixes and performance improvements for image downloads.

August 2020

Improvement to alignment

While moving the bubble, alignment indicators are now visible to help align bubbles with each other.

Double-clicking on a connecting line highlights the bubbles that are connected by that line. 

July 2020

Backup mind maps 

Added the option to backup a mind maps and import a backup to your account or to any other account. 

April 2020

Improvements to sharing

The link to your mind map is shorter and includes the name of the mind map.

A screenshot of your mind map is displayed when sharing via social media. 

March 2020

New layout - Column

Added a layout called Column. This layout enables you to layout your child bubbles into columns.

Line labels can now be moved

You can now move the label of a line by clicking and dragging the label.

New mind map examples

More examples to get an idea of what is possible with Bubbl.us

November 2019

Curved lines

You can now create curved connecting lines! Click and hold the line then start dragging, see how it's done here!


A gridline is now shown in the background to help align bubbles while moving.

October 2019

Improvements and upgrades

  • Performance optimizations to our editor. Editing is now faster, especially for larger mind maps
  • Improved load time to display large mind maps 

September 2019

Improvements and upgrades

  • Improved page load time
  • New sign-up experience for Team subscriptions

August 2019

Improvements and upgrades

  • Increased the size of the file and photo attachment to 15 Mb.
  • The Bubbl.us application should now load faster in your browser.
  • The color contrast of lines is now more distinct from the background.
  • Fixed an issue with zoom while editing. 
  • Exported outline now list all bubbles in the correct order from left to right.

July 2019

New layout options 

The Tree and Grid layout can be arranged: down (default), up, right, or left!

For details see https://help.bubbl.us/article/25-bubble-layouts

June 2019

View Youtube videos inside bubbles

For details see  https://help.bubbl.us/article/81-diplay-youtube-videos

May 2019

Resize multiple bubbles at the same time

For details see https://help.bubbl.us/article/63-resize-bubble

April 2019
Save mind map as a plain text outline
February 2019
Set background-color
Change the background color of your mind map.
December 2018
New help section
Easily search help documentation from anywhere in the app. 
September 2018
Bubble notes
Add pop-up notes to bubbles that display on mouse-over.
August 2018
Transparent bubble background
Bubbles can now be fully transparent. This feature can be used to make floating titles, helping group islands of bubbles together.
To use, simply click on a bubble to bring up the control panel. Click on the bubble color icon, then check the "Transparent" checkbox.
July 2018
Create connected bubbles
Dragging and dropping a connecting line to empty space now creates a new bubble.
Shift + click and drag from any bubbles to start. Release the mouse button in empty space to create a new bubble connected by a line to the first one.
May 2018
Reset layout dialog
Added a function to automatically arrange all free-floating bubbles into a new layout.
Click the Reset Layout button in the editor toolbar to bring up options dialog, then click OK.
December 2017
Adjust label position
Labels can now be moved up and down connecting and parenting lines.
To use, click and drag a label on to slide it along the line. Release to accept a new position.
July 2017
Line style and color
Ability to change connecting line color, and style (normal, thick, and dashed).
June 2017
Drag and drop file attachments
You can now drag and drop files into mind map editor, to attach them to bubbles (upgraded accounts feature).
Pausing subscriptions
It's now possible to pause your subscription for up to 6 months. The paused subscription automatically renews after the selected interval.
April 2017
 Bubble resizing
Added the ability to resize bubbles manually.
February 2017
New team accounts features
Added new features to team administration:
User groups can now have managers.
Users' mind maps can be auto-shared with group managers.
Groups can be limited to individual quotas.
A new invite feature lets people register accounts themselves using a link.
January 2017
 New bubble layout types
Circular and tree layouts have been added to the mind map editor.
December 2016
 Customize your editing experience
The Preferences section allows you to customize your editing experience, as well as the look of your mind map.
November 2016
Simplified formatting options
You can now format the text inside your bubble by using our new formatting toolbar.
View your mind map's revision history
View previous versions of your mind map.
Restore a mind map to a specific point in time.
Make a copy of a mind map at a specific point in time.
October 2016
Collaborate with people who do not have a Bubbl.us account
Work with anyone even if they don't have a Bubbl.us account. Simply share a link with 'Can Edit' permission.
September 2016
Collaborate with anyone in real-time
Simultaneously edit a mind map with others
All changes are visible in real-time
See who is working on or viewing your mind map

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