Save as Image

 Note: Images are saved with branding.  To remove branding upgrade today

To save your mind map as an image, click on the Save As menu in the toolbar. You will see an option to save your mind map as a JPG or PNG image format.

  • JPG image - smaller in size and is generally good for email and web pages.
  • PNG image - has a transparent background, making it suitable for use in other programs, such as Microsoft Word, where your mind map may be placed over other elements (color background, grid, etc.)
Once the export is complete, you will be prompted to download a JPG or PNG file.
Files will be downloaded to a designated Downloads folder. To locate this folder, please  see this page.

The download requires pop-ups that are blocked in Google Chrome. If the download does not start, please enable pop-ups for the website. For details, please allow pop-ups in Chrome.

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